dimanche 29 mai 2011

samedi 28 mai 2011

In life , there is a big difference between social layers ! Men are men , some of them walk heads high , others heads down …
But God didn’t create this difference to push wealthy people to exploit and mistreat the poor ones to execute their tasks
He created it in order to push them to help and complete each other
I would tell to people in all over the world
Maybe you will sacrifice , loose a little time and make an effort to help the others , but think of your reward
No , not money , cause your reward doesn’t have a price . If you had all the world’s money , you couldn’t buy it .
This is it ! you’ll win an innocent smile , a thanks look, a face saying aloud without words : Thanks for giving us hope of life !
So , lend a help hand to everyone who needs you , whatever his nationality , his language or his skin colour
Help him to face his problems , and to live a better day !
Let’s help the others to discover happiness !