jeudi 14 juillet 2011

Have you ever had the experience to have your account hacked ?? For many people who had , I think they know how much it is annoying , but the others consider it as something normal because they didn’t try it and don’t know its consequences .When your account is hacked , someone else is talking in your place , someone else is pretending being you : he’s using your name , sharing his ideas and opinions as they are yours …It’s like your identity isn’t something private but shared with another person . You feel he’s dominating and ordering you and you can’t disobey him … So , in such a situation , follow my advices ( sincerely they aren’t mine I got them too when I faced this problem and was asked to share them too which is a noble demand .. ). Well , you should first follow all the security instructions that are provided to you . Then , try to identify the hacker by searching for the person who added you and your friends recently , or who asked about you a lot and wanted to know more information about you . You can also ask a women (if you feel the hacker is a men) or a men (if you feel the hacker is a women) to talk to this person in your account and try to meet him/her . I wish everyone overcame this problem to stop this bad phenomenon …

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