jeudi 14 juillet 2011

Today is 14 July , it’s a date that we shouldn’t forget because many soldiers and civilians were dead fighting for freedom in France in 1790 . We should really respect these people because they chose to sacrifice everything even their life to win their country’s freedom … It is very good to remember from time to time what our country provides us to be convinced of our duty to do something for it , something which will have a good influence on it , its inhabitants and people’s thoughts of it … We are the only people who are responsible of the improvement of our country , we should never wait for the others to begin , never say : “I’ll follow what they say” , do the first step , be the one people are waiting for to follow … In especially our country , we can work but we need leaders , leadership skills are important , precious but rare , so if you discover them in yourself , try to upgrade them , to benefit from them and to enlarge the circle of benefit till gathering everyone . Never forget , your country needs you ... It’s always calling , it never stopped , so , who will answer her ?? …

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