jeudi 14 juillet 2011

Today is 14 July , it’s a date that we shouldn’t forget because many soldiers and civilians were dead fighting for freedom in France in 1790 . We should really respect these people because they chose to sacrifice everything even their life to win their country’s freedom … It is very good to remember from time to time what our country provides us to be convinced of our duty to do something for it , something which will have a good influence on it , its inhabitants and people’s thoughts of it … We are the only people who are responsible of the improvement of our country , we should never wait for the others to begin , never say : “I’ll follow what they say” , do the first step , be the one people are waiting for to follow … In especially our country , we can work but we need leaders , leadership skills are important , precious but rare , so if you discover them in yourself , try to upgrade them , to benefit from them and to enlarge the circle of benefit till gathering everyone . Never forget , your country needs you ... It’s always calling , it never stopped , so , who will answer her ?? …
Have you ever had the experience to have your account hacked ?? For many people who had , I think they know how much it is annoying , but the others consider it as something normal because they didn’t try it and don’t know its consequences .When your account is hacked , someone else is talking in your place , someone else is pretending being you : he’s using your name , sharing his ideas and opinions as they are yours …It’s like your identity isn’t something private but shared with another person . You feel he’s dominating and ordering you and you can’t disobey him … So , in such a situation , follow my advices ( sincerely they aren’t mine I got them too when I faced this problem and was asked to share them too which is a noble demand .. ). Well , you should first follow all the security instructions that are provided to you . Then , try to identify the hacker by searching for the person who added you and your friends recently , or who asked about you a lot and wanted to know more information about you . You can also ask a women (if you feel the hacker is a men) or a men (if you feel the hacker is a women) to talk to this person in your account and try to meet him/her . I wish everyone overcame this problem to stop this bad phenomenon …

samedi 2 juillet 2011

If you heard your friend had cancer, how would you react? What would you do?
Would you passively pledge your support and leave it to the doctors, or do you think you can make a difference and actively try to help?

mercredi 29 juin 2011

« La pauvreté n’est pas naturelle. Ce sont les hommes qui la créent et la tolèrent, et ce sont les hommes qui la vaincront. Vaincre la pauvreté n’est pas un acte de charité, c’est un acte de justice. » 
[ Nelson Mandela]

mardi 28 juin 2011

This child is sick , and he knows it . He knows that his life expectancy is only fifteen years old , he knows he’s different and that’s why everyone turns his face when they see him .He knows life is unfair , for him , for his family and his relatives . But does he complain ? Does he hate this world ? No , look at his smile , his face , full of hope , full of optimism . He fights for life , his silence is full of words , his eyes are screaming : “ I know that I’m not living for a long time , but let me enjoy the time which is left ! “ How about you ? You get nervous when you miss your bus , you even scream when you find a stain on your clothes . And that’s where the life’s unfairness is obvious . More we are lucky , less we notice how much life is a gift …

jeudi 23 juin 2011

“ Our opinion of people depends less upon what we see in them than in what they make us see in ourselves. ”

— Sarah Grand