jeudi 23 juin 2011

“ Our opinion of people depends less upon what we see in them than in what they make us see in ourselves. ”

— Sarah Grand

2 commentaires:

  1. There are too many things I discovered in myself through meeting several kinds of people.
    I see that I’m never confident at the beginning , but no sooner had the person won my trust than he became essential and vital in my life which is a bad habit . I can also see that I can manage to do things I never though I was able to realize them if I am supported by good people or I don’t want to disappoint dear ones . Besides , I see that people have a direct influence on my mood but never on my personality , I’m the only one who masters my personality changing . Further more , I never give an importance to appearances , for people or acts or sayings , I always look for the intention of people . I’m spontaneous too , you can tell that I am honest , or impulsive … Anyway , There is so much to mention ( I can see that I’m talkative too … ) but , I don’t know if all what I said is true or false , good or bad , cause it’s very difficult to find myself …
