mardi 7 juin 2011

True friends . . .

    Some people spend their entire life looking for love , because it’s one of the best feelings they can feel , and maybe it’s the best for them . We can’t deny this fact , love is a marvellous feeling , but it isn’t always faithful , it can make us suffer a lot ! Personally , I think there is an amazing feeling that we often forget about , that we rarely find, and if we do we usually underestimate it : Friendship . Yes , I know , you’ll say that everyone has a friend , or perhaps many , but are they real friends ?
    True friends can listen to us and help us when we need them , we call them when we’re happy but they come by themselves when we’re sad ! They can easily understand us even without saying anything , just with a look or a gesture ! They like us not for what we wear or what we do for them , they like us for what we are and for what they feel when we’re together . They respect us and care about our opinions and our tastes . They are always ready to sacrifice everything just to satisfy us . They don’t look for changing us because they like what we are with our qualities and defects ! They trust in us and in what we are able to do . And finally , they never go away even if a big fight happens .
    Aren’t they very rare ? True friends are like diamonds , precious and rare . As stars , you don’t always see them , but you know they’re always there . That’s why : A real friend is hard to find , difficult to leave and impossible to forget . . . 

1 commentaire:

  1. If you find your diamond, don't let it drop down .. ( The text is Awesome :D )
