samedi 2 avril 2011

An orphan !

He opened his eyes for the first time,
He breathed a fresh air and began his path in this life
But something was wrong, something was missing
He was born just before his parents were leaving.
They left him, not explicit or on purpose
Alone, in this harsh and brutal life
He didn’t know anything,
And he didn’t have someone who can make him know something!
Innocent, he didn’t choose this way of life,
But, obliged, he assumed its consequence
So, prove your pure humanity,
Make an effort to change this orphan’s destiny
Give him a helping hand,
To see a smile, a sign of happiness on his desperate face!
                                                      KHADIJA EL ATTAR

3 commentaires:

  1. Some may think that having their parents to support them is the most normal thing in their life, but, we should be really thankful that we have our parents. there are some poor children who are born orphans and they are deprived from the parents aid and protection...
    So, as you said, whenever we can help an orphan or make him happy, we definitely must do it...

    ....I like your blog by the way :)

  2. Thank's Raja ! You're right , because we don't know the value of our parents and discover this amazing chance just after we lose them !

  3. I am ready to help... point the way, Khadija!
