lundi 18 avril 2011

Pollution ...

    Modern technology, creating new inventions , science development … They are of a paramount importance in people’s life owing to their benefits and because they’re always trying to cover people’s needs  ! Nevertheless , their drawbacks are very harmful, especially pollution !
    I cant  deny that it’s a great idea to be ambitious and to look for progress , but we mustn’t forget natural things that god has created , that were the source of all those inventions and that are essential in our life like the air that we breath , the water that we drink and the food that we eat which is formed of animals , birds and fish , all these things compose our nature that –we think- will last for ever , but we’re not realizing that we’re destroying it with our irresponsible and unconscious actions .
    So, just think of the future of your children , the upcoming generation ! It depends of you , you’re able to save their future or at least make it better and easier . Finally , I just want to ask people who contine destroying nature in order to have more money even if they know the danger of what they do : When you’re going to finish water and fish , are you going to eat money ?? 

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