jeudi 14 juillet 2011

Today is 14 July , it’s a date that we shouldn’t forget because many soldiers and civilians were dead fighting for freedom in France in 1790 . We should really respect these people because they chose to sacrifice everything even their life to win their country’s freedom … It is very good to remember from time to time what our country provides us to be convinced of our duty to do something for it , something which will have a good influence on it , its inhabitants and people’s thoughts of it … We are the only people who are responsible of the improvement of our country , we should never wait for the others to begin , never say : “I’ll follow what they say” , do the first step , be the one people are waiting for to follow … In especially our country , we can work but we need leaders , leadership skills are important , precious but rare , so if you discover them in yourself , try to upgrade them , to benefit from them and to enlarge the circle of benefit till gathering everyone . Never forget , your country needs you ... It’s always calling , it never stopped , so , who will answer her ?? …
Have you ever had the experience to have your account hacked ?? For many people who had , I think they know how much it is annoying , but the others consider it as something normal because they didn’t try it and don’t know its consequences .When your account is hacked , someone else is talking in your place , someone else is pretending being you : he’s using your name , sharing his ideas and opinions as they are yours …It’s like your identity isn’t something private but shared with another person . You feel he’s dominating and ordering you and you can’t disobey him … So , in such a situation , follow my advices ( sincerely they aren’t mine I got them too when I faced this problem and was asked to share them too which is a noble demand .. ). Well , you should first follow all the security instructions that are provided to you . Then , try to identify the hacker by searching for the person who added you and your friends recently , or who asked about you a lot and wanted to know more information about you . You can also ask a women (if you feel the hacker is a men) or a men (if you feel the hacker is a women) to talk to this person in your account and try to meet him/her . I wish everyone overcame this problem to stop this bad phenomenon …

samedi 2 juillet 2011

If you heard your friend had cancer, how would you react? What would you do?
Would you passively pledge your support and leave it to the doctors, or do you think you can make a difference and actively try to help?

mercredi 29 juin 2011

« La pauvreté n’est pas naturelle. Ce sont les hommes qui la créent et la tolèrent, et ce sont les hommes qui la vaincront. Vaincre la pauvreté n’est pas un acte de charité, c’est un acte de justice. » 
[ Nelson Mandela]

mardi 28 juin 2011

This child is sick , and he knows it . He knows that his life expectancy is only fifteen years old , he knows he’s different and that’s why everyone turns his face when they see him .He knows life is unfair , for him , for his family and his relatives . But does he complain ? Does he hate this world ? No , look at his smile , his face , full of hope , full of optimism . He fights for life , his silence is full of words , his eyes are screaming : “ I know that I’m not living for a long time , but let me enjoy the time which is left ! “ How about you ? You get nervous when you miss your bus , you even scream when you find a stain on your clothes . And that’s where the life’s unfairness is obvious . More we are lucky , less we notice how much life is a gift …

dimanche 19 juin 2011

From the beginning , our relation was special
Thirteen years old together
It’s not something usual
Just for me, and the others

I never imagined my life without him ,
Cause he was always present , here with me
Every feeling was real just with him
And I thought it was the same toward me

Suddenly , I felt a hole in my soul
He left me , without warning ,
Awing to him , my life was completely full
Now , empty , she is becoming

He broke my heart
I guess that’s a proof that I had one
Cause I thought he took my heart
Without telling anyone

After he left me ,
I don’t know myself anymore
Cause the “Real Me” exists just when he’s next to me
I’m still looking for it , and I need hope more and more

I don’t know if I’m lucky to know him
Or I really regret it
But my fate chose him
To be the one that enters my life, and changes it

I have a question, why ?
People that we love the most
Are the ones that make us cry
Don’t they know how much our tears coast ?

I really don’t know what he thinks about all that
I think that’s the biggest problem
But I want him to know that
I was always honest , I’ll never forget him

dimanche 12 juin 2011

‎'' Before you prove to the world that you exist, you should first exist . "
I never thought I will miss you …

You were a part of everything in my life
I can even say , you were my life
What I liked the most in you
Is what I used to become when I was with you
Now that you are getting away
I can’t find a way
To live my life without you
Cause I never thought I will miss you …

mardi 7 juin 2011

True friends . . .

    Some people spend their entire life looking for love , because it’s one of the best feelings they can feel , and maybe it’s the best for them . We can’t deny this fact , love is a marvellous feeling , but it isn’t always faithful , it can make us suffer a lot ! Personally , I think there is an amazing feeling that we often forget about , that we rarely find, and if we do we usually underestimate it : Friendship . Yes , I know , you’ll say that everyone has a friend , or perhaps many , but are they real friends ?
    True friends can listen to us and help us when we need them , we call them when we’re happy but they come by themselves when we’re sad ! They can easily understand us even without saying anything , just with a look or a gesture ! They like us not for what we wear or what we do for them , they like us for what we are and for what they feel when we’re together . They respect us and care about our opinions and our tastes . They are always ready to sacrifice everything just to satisfy us . They don’t look for changing us because they like what we are with our qualities and defects ! They trust in us and in what we are able to do . And finally , they never go away even if a big fight happens .
    Aren’t they very rare ? True friends are like diamonds , precious and rare . As stars , you don’t always see them , but you know they’re always there . That’s why : A real friend is hard to find , difficult to leave and impossible to forget . . . 

dimanche 29 mai 2011

samedi 28 mai 2011

In life , there is a big difference between social layers ! Men are men , some of them walk heads high , others heads down …
But God didn’t create this difference to push wealthy people to exploit and mistreat the poor ones to execute their tasks
He created it in order to push them to help and complete each other
I would tell to people in all over the world
Maybe you will sacrifice , loose a little time and make an effort to help the others , but think of your reward
No , not money , cause your reward doesn’t have a price . If you had all the world’s money , you couldn’t buy it .
This is it ! you’ll win an innocent smile , a thanks look, a face saying aloud without words : Thanks for giving us hope of life !
So , lend a help hand to everyone who needs you , whatever his nationality , his language or his skin colour
Help him to face his problems , and to live a better day !
Let’s help the others to discover happiness !

samedi 23 avril 2011

Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don't. Believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. 

Be happy ... Be optimistic ...

   People often say that I’m very optimistic , always smiling and expecting good things from this life , and the majority of them takes this fact as a drawback , but I’d say : why not ?
I can’t that life isn’t perfect , and it sometimes gives us bad things , but it will never change , even if we are always sad , it will never be positive 100% !
. . . 
   Nevertheless , we can change one thing …. Which is our vision of life ! Why don’t we see the full part of the glass instead of focusing on the empty one ? Trust in life , be happy when it offers you good things , and be also happy during a bad period because you should believe that when life takes something from you , it will definitely replace it with a good thing in the future !

lundi 18 avril 2011

Pollution ...

    Modern technology, creating new inventions , science development … They are of a paramount importance in people’s life owing to their benefits and because they’re always trying to cover people’s needs  ! Nevertheless , their drawbacks are very harmful, especially pollution !
    I cant  deny that it’s a great idea to be ambitious and to look for progress , but we mustn’t forget natural things that god has created , that were the source of all those inventions and that are essential in our life like the air that we breath , the water that we drink and the food that we eat which is formed of animals , birds and fish , all these things compose our nature that –we think- will last for ever , but we’re not realizing that we’re destroying it with our irresponsible and unconscious actions .
    So, just think of the future of your children , the upcoming generation ! It depends of you , you’re able to save their future or at least make it better and easier . Finally , I just want to ask people who contine destroying nature in order to have more money even if they know the danger of what they do : When you’re going to finish water and fish , are you going to eat money ?? 

dimanche 10 avril 2011

A bad event . . .

There are a lot of events that might affect our life! Personally, I lived many, but there is one that I’m still trying to overcome. I had an idol in my life, a person that I used to follow his steps because I thought (or was sure) he was perfect. His voice was my best melody, when he used to talk, I couldn’t hear another voice. When he used to advice me, he used a few words but very effective, expressive and convenient to my case. He used to give everything its real and deserved value, and always used to tell the truth because he wasn’t afraid from anything and anyone, just God! I used to say that I was lucky to meet someone like him, it was miraculous .Yet, everything changed in one second! Just tell me, what could be your reaction if you discover that the one who taught you how to be honest, logical, responsible, helpful and all good things wasn’t like that, he was just lying and showing the opposite of his real personality? That’s what happened! He is now the most selfish and liar person I’ve ever seen! Well, I haven’t believed yet, and it’s still a shock for me! Since this event has happened, I lost confidence in everyone, and became doubtful of the sincerity of all people!    

lundi 4 avril 2011

My mother ...

      She is my idol . Normal for the others , but special as I see her . She's a star which still shine till the end of her life : My mother .
      No one can deny that she is very older than me , she's 56 years old , but she has the ability to cope with all categories of people. She's nice , helpful , and very beautiful . I think that's why my father asked her for marriage one mounth after he saw her . As a mother , she thaught me the real meaning of love , sacrifice , comprehension , fight , intelligence and courage . She's a teacher of chemistry , has two children and performs in every task . Well , I could never tell all her qualities , that's normal because she's my mother , she's the one who brought me to life , and when I opened my eyes for the first time , she was the first face I saw , smiling and happy to see me alive . I love her a lot, I don't support to see her tears , I want to follow her steps , and I hope to be as successful as she is .

samedi 2 avril 2011

Women in Morocco !

Unfortunately, in morocco, women were considered such as an object, a men’s possession. They were obliged to obey their husbands and to say ‘yes’ head down to any order .They  didn’t have the freedom to express their opinion or to say ‘I’m tired , I can’t do that ‘ OR ‘I didn’t like this ‘ OR ‘I want that ‘ …And if they said it, or  just didn’t perform the task as their husbands wanted , they underwent all forms of violence without anyone to defend them : There wasn’t any association against this violence , and any law to punish who practices it. Nowadays, this phenomenon became rare because of the advancement of women in the Moroccan government .They have now the right to express their thoughts, to practice all jobs and to do almost whatever they want ! Moroccan women took the opportunity and proved to the world that they can succeed in everything!  

An orphan !

He opened his eyes for the first time,
He breathed a fresh air and began his path in this life
But something was wrong, something was missing
He was born just before his parents were leaving.
They left him, not explicit or on purpose
Alone, in this harsh and brutal life
He didn’t know anything,
And he didn’t have someone who can make him know something!
Innocent, he didn’t choose this way of life,
But, obliged, he assumed its consequence
So, prove your pure humanity,
Make an effort to change this orphan’s destiny
Give him a helping hand,
To see a smile, a sign of happiness on his desperate face!
                                                      KHADIJA EL ATTAR

FEZ ...... !

Fez …. A word that a lot of people know and use frequently , as a city , beautiful places , historical monuments , the old medina , the helpful inhabitants , a place not to be missed …. But , is that all what it means for you ? I actually don’t know if Fez is unlucky to be represented like that or you are unlucky to ignore its real value !
For me , Fez is more than a place , a location ! I’ll tell you my story with “MY FEZ” :
This is the first second of my life : I’m born ! At this moment , Fez provided me the fresh air that passed through my body for the first time , and gave me the opportunity to begin the path of my life !
When I became able to see , Fez showed me this life , in its different colors ! Throughout my childhood , it didn’t let me alone : It didn’t matter if it’s a good or a bad time , a moment of strength or weakness , during a problem or preparing to a party ….
Fez is also my box of memories , if my memory forgets because of the human nature , Fez always regroups them , so as not to let any place without a memory there !
Besides , Fez is the only one whom I can’t lie , cause it knows already everything about me , it knows the real “ME” .
In addition , Fez provided me a place where I can live , a school where I can leave my ignorance’s bubble and become a literate and educated person , a roof which protect me from the rain and the sunlight ….